
Stay tuned for more resources to help you on your journey.


Different World

This brief audio exercise guides you to exploring a world where appearance related thoughts aren’t held tightly. What steps can you take to move towards creating this world?

Values Charge Up

This is a brief audio exercise encourages you to identify and connect with your values.

Values Charge up


This visualization draws your attention to how small actions can have a ripple effect

Mindful Minute(ish)Video

This is a brief mindfulness exercise that you can do when short on time or in a rush to centre yourself to your breath and body.

Supervisor Values

This is an exercise for supervisors to connect with what is important to them as a supervisor. It can be helpful to take a moment to identify and write down some of your values as a supervisor (such as authenticity, compassion, safety, curiosity) before you do the exercise.

Critic on the Bus

Our inner critic can sometimes take over and direct our actions. This exercise guides you through connecting with and seeing your critic as a passenger on your bus, and noticing how you tend to respond to the critic, and how this impacts the bus and it’s journey.

Common Humanity of The Critic

We can feel alone in our battle with our inner critic. This exercise guides you through noticing that others also are having their own battle with their critic. From a place of common humanity you are then guided to send compassion to others, yourself and your critic.

Compassion for the Supervisor

Being a supervisor can be challenging, and sometimes we act in ways that are not consistent with who we want to be. This exercise walks you through having compassion for yourself when this occurs. It may be helpful prior to doing the exercise to write down a little bit of information about a time when a supervision session didn’t go well.

Compassionate Teacher Exercise

This exercises draws on the method acting approach to generating a compassionate stance, then applies this compassion not only to the vulnerable part of you that is hurting, but also your inner critic.

The You, You Want To Be

This video is a guided exercises walking through connecting you with who you want to be, and then using this part of you to help guide or comfort you now.

Media Appearances

Podcast: People Soup Episode 1

I joined the lovely Ross McIntosh on People Soup. We had a great chat. In this first episode I talk about three pivotal points in my life, as well as the ACT Body Project. Themes in those pivotal points are the importance of connecting with your values, willingness, authenticity, holding thoughts and stories (including that of what others say) lightly, and the power of being seen. I’m definitely showing more of myself than I usually do in this episode, and I hope that others will connect with what I share and be helped by it. Check it out:

Podcast: People Soup Episode 2

In part 2 of my chat with Ross McIntosh of People Soup we delve into my book, as well as how body image and weight stigma can appear in the workplace and what we can do about it. Check it out;

Podcast: Nourish and Empower

Nourish & Empower is a great podcast for those struggling with their relationship with food and body. Counsellor Jessica Coviello and dietitian Maggie Lefavor combine to cover a variety of topics. I had the pleasure of chatting with them. We covered topics like weight stigma and connecting with your values. I recommend checking out not only this episode, but also others in their library. Check it out;

Podcast: Mentally Flexible

I had a real authentic chat with Tom Parkes on his great podcast Mentally Flexible. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is not just something that I train other clinicians in, and use in therapy, it is something that is part of how I live my life. This podcast really captures that as we talk about how I came to Canada from Australia, my experience of grief, and how ACT helped me through the grieving process. We also explore the impact of the unhelpful messages that exist in society about our bodies, and how ACT can help us navigate these messages and reconnect with what is meaningful to us. I highly recommend you check out not only this episode but all the other ones. Mentally Flexible is one of my favorites and is a regular in my podcast rotation. Check it out:

Podcast: Psychologists Off the Clock

I was thrilled to be invited as a guest on my favourite podcast Psychologists Off the Clock. Join us as we talk about how society shapes our desire to fix or hide our bodies, the impact of weight stigma, and how to break free for ourselves and help future generations. And once you have finished listening to that episode, keep listening to the other Psychologist Off the Clock episode (if you haven’t already). Check it out:

CBC radio The Signal: Weight stigma and discrimination

Myself, Andrea Stokes (dietitian), and Julia Petrakis (nurse practitioner) chat with Adam Walsh about weight stigma and weight discrimination. Check it out:

CBC radio The Signal: New Years Resolutions, Eating Disorders & Body Image

The new year can be a tough time for many as they are surrounded by weight based new years resolutions, and the pushing of diets, pills and programs. Have a listen for a discussion on how this time of year is challenging for people struggling with eating disorders and body image.

The Signal:

Morning Show:

Out of the Fog: Why wait for weight

I chatted on Out of the Fog about weight stigma and my book due for release late October 2023.

Cocktails & Courageous Conversations

The amazing Rikke Kjelgaard and I had a conversation about body image and weight.